Bienvenidos a esta página donde encontrará recursos sobre la continua lucha de la comunidad Latina por una justicia social, por un trato digno y por una inclusión en la sociedad.
Aquí, usted podrá leer, ver, y escuchar algunos de los pasajes mas tristes de la historia de los Latinos en este país, las contribuciones que hemos hecho en todos los aspectos de la sociedad. También encontrará enlaces de organizaciones nacionales Latinas.
Hemos dividido estos recursos en cuatro categorías: Museos, películas, documentales, libros y otros.
Welcome to this page, where you will find resources about the ongoing struggle of the Latino community for social justice, dignified treatment, and inclusion in society.
Here, you will be able to read, see, and listen to some of the saddest passages in the history of Latinos in this country and the contributions we have made in all aspects of society.
We have divided these resources into five categories: Museums, films, documentaries, books, and others.
Director: Edward James Olmos
Inspirada por su maestro, una adolescente lidera los paros escolares del este de Los Ángeles de 1968 para exigir un mejor trato para los estudiantes chicanos.
Inspired by her teacher, a teenage girl leads the 1968 East Los Angeles school strikes to demand better treatment for Chicano students.
"Gun Hill Road"
Director: Rashaad Ernesto Green
Una adolescente transgénero del Bronx se enfrenta a su padre, quien se ha alejado de ella y es tradicionalmente machista.
A transgender teenager from the Bronx confronts her father, who has moved away from her and is traditionally macho.
"We the Animals"
Director: Jeremiah Zagar
Adaptado de la novela éxito de ventas de Justin Torres, este drama ambientado en el norte del estado de Nueva York sigue a un hogar caótico y bicultural que incluye al sensible joven Jonah, sus hermanos y su padre, interpretado por Raúl Castillo.
Adapted from Justin Torres' bestselling novel, this drama set in upstate New York follows a chaotic, bicultural home that includes sensitive young Jonah, his brothers, and his father, played by Raul Castillo.
"Cesar's Last Fast"
by Richard Rey Perez
Con imágenes nunca antes vistas de 1988, este poderoso documental humaniza al líder sindical César Chavez mientra relata dramáticamente su desinteresada y amenazadora protesta contra el uso de pesticidas en los trabajadores agrícolas. La película nos recuerda por qué su lucha por los derechos civiles aún resuena hoy en día.
With never-before-seen footage from 1988, this powerful documentary humanizes union leader Cesar Chavez while dramatically recounting his selfless and menacing protest against the use of pesticides by farm workers. The film reminds us why his fight for civil rights still resonates today.
Este documental muestra un profundo retrato de la activista Dolores Huerta mientras ella recuerda pasajes de su lucha por la justicia racial, de género y laboral durante más de 60 años.
This documentary depicts a profound portrait of activist Dolores Huerta as she recalls passages from her struggle for racial, gender, and labor justice for more than 60 years.
Portraits of Hispanic American Heroes by Juan Felipe Herrera
I am not your perfect Mexican daughter by Erika L. Sánchez
Organizaciones Latinas Nacionales / National Latino Organizations
The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute
Hispanic Alliance for Latino Enhancement
Latin American Studies Association
League of United Latin American Citizens
MAES, Latinos is Science and Engineering
MANA, A National Latina Organization
Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund
Movimento Estudiantil Chicanx de Atzlán
National Association for Chicano and Chicana Studies
National Institute for Latino Policy
Society for Hispanic Engineers
United States Hispanic Leadership Institute
Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement
The Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement (HACE) is a national non-profit dedicated to the employment, development, and advancement of current and aspiring Latino professionals. Since 1982, HACE has served as a resource for Latinos in the workplace and is a subject matter expert for corporations seeking to access diverse talent. Through professional development, resources, and networks, and by facilitating access to meaningful career opportunities, HACE helps Latinos succeed in every phase of their career. With a network of over 85,000 members across the country, HACE works with employers to remain competitive in an increasingly dynamic economy by helping them attract, develop, and retain Latino and diverse professionals.
Latinos in Science and Engineering
MAES is the foremost Latino organization for the development of STEM leaders in the academic, executive, and technical communities
League of United Latin American Citizens
LULAC is the largest and oldest Hispanic organization in the United States. LULAC advances the economic condition, educational attainment, political influence, housing, health, and civil right of Hispanic Americans through community-based programs operating at more than 1,000 LULAC councils nationwide.
Recruitment companies for Latinos
© 2021 Hispanic Recruitment Services, Inc. specializes in joining the Hispanic bilingual professional with companies looking for DIVERSITY in the workplace
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