Posts Tagged: digital media
Hispanic Americans are foreshadowing the future of media in the U.S.
Hispanic Americans are foreshadowing the future of media in the U.S., and for advertisers and marketers seeking to tap into the increasing spending power and cultural impact of this growing audience segment, digital media is the key. Hispanic Americans spend more time online and are more receptive to advertisements in general than non-Hispanic Americans.
Research findings from Specific Media and SMG Multicultural include:
- Hispanic Americans spend more time shopping online in general. Hispanic Americans spent 83 percent more time on the Internet than non-Hispanic Americans, and they also spend nearly four times as long shopping online via websites or apps.
- Hispanic Americans are leading the adoption of smartphones and tablets as media devices. Hispanic Americans spend a greater amount of time engaged in online activities on their smartphones (26 percent compared to 20 percent of non-Hispanics) and tablets (16 percent compared to 13 percent of non-Hispanics), while non-Hispanic Americans spend a greater amount of time engaged in online activities on their desktops (67 percent compared to 59 percent of Hispanics). Hispanics are also more likely to perform purchase-related activities on their mobile devices.
- Hispanic Americans are more favorably pre-disposed to advertising in general. Across all three digital platforms – desktop, smartphones and tablets – Hispanics are far more likely to find ads useful, relevant, influential and informative. This discrepancy is greatest in the smartphone category, with Hispanic audiences reporting they find ads useful and relevant at more than double the rate of non-Hispanics (36 percent compared to 17 percent of non-Hispanics).
- Hispanic Americans multimedia-task while watching TV and engage more across platforms with programming and ads. Findings show that Hispanic audiences are not only more likely to engage in other digital activity while watching TV, but they are also twice as likely to engage with a brand based upon TV ad characteristics.
- Facebook is the most popular online site across the board for Hispanic and non-Hispanic audiences. Amazon gains the highest amount of unique visitors by English-preferred Hispanics, and YouTube has the highest amount of unique visitors by Spanish-preferred Hispanics. Bing is the favored search engine choice for Hispanics; however non-Hispanics prefer to use Google.
Source: Published originally on as Hispanic Americans are foreshadowing the future of media in the U.S., March 12, 2015.
Are Spanish-dominant Hispanics less digitally engaged?
Many marketers have the assumption that Spanish-dominant and even bilingual Hispanics are not online or at least not as much as English-dominant Hispanics or the general U.S. population. Portada reports that a study published by Ipsos MediaCT indicates this is not the case. In fact, if anything, Spanish-dominant Hispanics are more digitally engaged than their English-dominant and general market counterparts.
These are the most outstanding results of the study:
- Digital Hispanics across the language spectrum are in fact a digitally dynamic population who, much like their non-Hispanic counterparts, live in a multi-tasking, multi-screen, multi-content day.
- Digital Hispanics extend their average 24-hour day into a 31-hour day, largely through multi-tasking with media. In fact, Digital Hispanics are more likely than the total US online population to extend their average day by multi-tasking with media.
- Bilingual and Spanish Dominant Digital Hispanics actively leverage today’s digital technology, particularly Social Media, to not only communicate with their social spheres in the U.S., but to also regularly connect to their friends and families in their home countries.
- As you move along the language usage spectrum, you see that bilinguals, but in particular Spanish Dominants are actively using social networks to extend and enhance their communication with friends and family here and in their home countries.
- Half of Digital Hispanic video viewers utilize 2 screens for their video viewing, while nearly 10 percent utilize three screens.
The lion share of video viewing occurs with Live Television. But Digital Hispanics utilize alternative television and video viewing channels slightly more than do those in the total US online population. Digital Hispanic’s online video share is 50% more than that of the total US Online Population.
Source: Portada, Are Spanish-dominant Hispanics less digitally engaged? No, says Ipsos study, January 25, 2012.