Latino kids get more media exposure

Apr 11, 2011

According to a new report from education organizations Joan Ganz Cooney Center and the Sesame Workshop, Latinos kids have more media exposure than any other group. They also had the biggest growth in media consumption between 2004 and 2009. In fact, they’re clocking the kind of hours that raise eyebrows among child development experts.

The report looks at seven recent studies that indicate young children are increasingly consuming media from all types of sources, from MP3 players and video games, to the Internet, TV, cell phones and even books. The most striking numbers are the ones rung up by digital media: About 25 percent of three-year-olds go online at least once a day. By age five, that figure is 50 percent.

Overall, despite some barriers to access, lower-income, Hispanic and African American children consume far more media than their middle-class and white counterparts.

kids watching tv
According to numbers cited in the study, Hispanics ages 8 to 18 received an average of 13 hours of total media exposure each day in 2009, a sharp uptick from the almost-nine hours they were getting in 2004. White children, meanwhile, were exposed to just under eight hours per day on average in 2004, compared to 8 hours and 36 minutes per day in 2009.

Television is the most popular medium with Latinos and kids overall. According to the most recent Kaiser numbers, kids 8 to 18 watch about 4.5 hours of television a day. The study cites the numbers from Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation saying Black and Latino kids watch about two hours more TV per day than white children. The American Academy of Pediatrics, meanwhile, recommends kids this age watch no more than two hours a day.

And while Black and Hispanic children have less home internet access than white children, Hispanics are spending 40 minutes more per day on the web. Once they reach their tween years, Latinos are spending more than 100 minutes each day playing video games, as opposed to the hour spent by white children.

The researchers point out that children need to be prepared for a digital future, and that the quality of the media consumed is key.

Other studies indicate that  excessive screen time has been linked to a variety of problems in kids, including childhood obesity, delays in social development and poor grades.

Source: The Joan Ganz Cooney Center and the Sesame Workshop, “Always Connected": Young Children's Media Use on the Rise,” March 17, 2011.

By Myriam Grajales-Hall
Author - Communications Manager