Acculturation and Latina moms
BabyCenter has released the results of a study about Latina moms. The Hispanic Moms Acculturation study offers insights into the influence of acculturation on moms' behaviors and preferences related to shopping, mealtime, media consumption, and more.
-- Shopping: Hispanic moms are brand loyal and love to shop with their families.
Across all levels of acculturation, Latina moms are much more likely to purchase brand-name consumer packaged goods. They are also much more likely than the general population to purchase brands that resonate emotionally. Shopping is also regarded as a family affair. Hispanic moms are three times less likely to shop alone. Despite stereotypes about machismo, 54 percent of Latinas share their purchase decisions with spouses or partners vs. 44 percent of non-Hispanics.
-- Mealtime: An important way of connecting to culture at every acculturation level.
Regardless of acculturation, dinnertime is one of the best ways for Hispanic moms to connect their family to their culture. 36 percent of Hispanic moms vs. 15 percent of non-Hispanic moms say dinner is the best time of the day, 41 percent maintain Hispanic food as part of their daily diet, and 57 percent cook from scratch vs. 11 percent for the non-Hispanic moms. As they acculturate, however, Hispanic moms are more likely to look for shortcuts to ease meal preparation, buying some packaged products to incorporate into a traditional meal. 68 percent of Hispanic moms are likely to share one meal a week with extended family.
Celebrations such as kids' birthdays are also a point of connection among Hispanic moms across all acculturation levels. Hispanics include extended family in these celebrations regardless of age. They spend more money than the general population and their parties last longer.
-- Media Consumption: Culture drives the conversation between brands and Latina moms.
Although highly acculturated Hispanic moms (either native-born or bilingual) don't consume much media in Spanish, they respond better to advertising in Spanish. In fact, advertising in Spanish that features authentic cultural imagery has more impact than advertising in English for all Hispanic moms, whether they're less, moderately, or highly acculturated. Spanish or Spanglish in advertising seems to create a cultural connection that Hispanic moms embrace, perceiving it as an acknowledgment of their heritage. 56 percent of highly acculturated moms would prefer to see an ad in Spanish or Spanglish vs. 43 percent for the English-only version.
When it comes to visual representations of Hispanic moms today, they prefer images of family and togetherness vs. individual pursuits. As for aspirations, family continues to be #1, but professional success is seen as inspiring. Pampering or "me" time is not engaging for Hispanic moms.
The acculturation study interviewed 2,479 Hispanic and 1,472 non-Hispanic moms. They ranged from recent immigrants to native-born English-speakers.
Source: Baby Center, “The Hispanic Moms Acculturation Study”, February 14, 2011.