Posts Tagged: higher education
Hispanic, black parents see college degree as key for children’s success
Hispanic and black parents are significantly more likely than white parents to say it's essential that their children earn a college degree, according to a recent Pew Research Center survey.
Today, 86% of Hispanic parents and 79% of black parents with children under 18 say it is either extremely or very important that their children earn a college degree. By comparison, about two-thirds (67%) of white parents say the same.
This gap may be linked to differing views on a college degree's importance in moving up the economic ladder. Roughly half (49%) of Hispanics and 43% of blacks say that a college education is a requirement to be part of the middle class, compared with just 22% of whites. However, white adults are more likely than black or Hispanic adults to already bein the middle class or higher, which may account in part for the fact that fewer whites see college as essential.
Over the past two decades, educational attainment and college enrollment have increased substantially among Hispanics, the nation's largest minority group, and blacks. For example, the high school dropout rates among Hispanics and blacks ages 18 to 24 reached record lows in 2014: just 12% for Hispanics and 7% for blacks, down from 33% and 16%, respectively, in 1993.
College enrollment has grown among all races and ethnicities since 1993, but gains have been biggest among Hispanics. In October 2014, 2.3 million Hispanics ages 18 to 24 were enrolled in either a two- or four-year college – up from 728,000 in 1993. Among blacks in the same age group, 1.5 million were enrolled in college in 2014 – up from 897,000 in 1993.
And while the share of Hispanics who have finished college hit a new high in 2014, they still lag other groups on this measure. Among adults ages 25 to 29, 63% of Asians, 41% of whites, 22% of blacks and 15% of Hispanics had earned at least a bachelor's degree in 2014. This gap is partly due to the fact that Hispanics are less likely than other groups to enroll in four-year schools, attend academically selective colleges or study full-time.
Source: Pew Research Center, Hispanic, black parents see college degree as key for children's success, by Renee Stepler, February 24, 2016.
Over 50% of Girls in 3 States Are Latinas – What Does That Mean for Colleges?
One in five women living in the U.S. is Latina, and by 2060, this is expected to increase to a third of the U.S. female population. In public schools across the country, Latinas account for about 25 percent of female students. But, in states like California, Texas, and New Mexico, these numbers are even larger, with Latinas accounting for more than 50 percent of school-age girls.
For higher education, these figures hold significant meaning, as colleges and universities enroll more young Latinas. A report released by the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics shows that Latinas have made significant progress in earning college degrees, with college completion rates increasing by eight percent for two-year degrees and six percent for four-year degrees between 2003 and 2013.
Latinas are still finishing college at much lower rates than their female counterparts. In 2013, about 19 percent of Latinas age 25 to 29 had a college degree, compared to 44 percent of white women, 23 percent of African-American women, and 64 percent of Asian women. When it comes to degrees in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, there are even fewer Latinas with degrees in STEM fields.
For graduate degrees, these numbers are even lower, with only about four percent of Latinas holding an advanced degree in 2013. This doesn't mean Latinas haven't made significant strides, doubling their share of graduate degree holders from two to four percent in just ten years. However, compared to other non-Hispanic groups – 11 percent of white women, five percent of black women, and 22 percent of Asian women have an advanced degree – there remain large gaps.
Latinas are more likely to live in poverty than other demographic groups, with one-fourth living below the poverty line and more than half living near poverty, finds the White House report. Similar to African-American girls, they're also more likely to attend high-poverty high schools, characterized by “inadequate facilities, lack of high level curricula, under qualified teachers with less experience, more behavior problems, lower expectations for their students, and both students and school personnel who rapidly come and go.”
What's more, nearly half of Latina girls start school speaking Spanish as their first language. “Instead of recognizing their native language skills as an asset to build on, they are often placed in remedial programs that track them into lower level curricula and slow their academic progress,” notes the White House report. As Latinas learn English in school, their Spanish skills are not similarly developed and even lost. Latinas who lose their language have lower levels of college enrollment, compared to Latinas who learn English while maintaining their Spanish at high levels.
The UCLA study “Making Education Work for Latinas in the U.S.” also found that Latinas “are often expected to prioritize family responsibilities above school; they often feel that they “don't belong” in school, a feeling that can be reinforced by discrimination and low expectations; they see few models of Latinas who have excelled educationally that they can emulate, and too many lack any understanding of how or even why to pursue a college education.”
Latinas that are first-generation college students face a disadvantage compared to non-first-generation peers who often receive more guidance on navigating and succeeding in the university from college-educated parents. “Latinas need real information about higher education, WHY they should pursue it, HOW they can do it, and how it will change their lives. Too many young Latinas don't really understand what higher ed is all about. It's something that “other people” do,” Patricia Gándara, Ph.D., author of the White House report and co-director of the UCLA Civil Rights Project/Proyecto Derechos Civiles, tells GoodCall.
“We also need to figure out how these young women can make it through a college degree without going deeply into debt and also be able to attend full time,” says Gándara, pointing out that Latinas are likely to enroll in school only part-time and work at the same time, which can prolong college and result in additional student debt.
Despite these challenges, increasing numbers of Latinas are enrolling at universities across the country. However, with the exception of Hispanic Serving Institutions and some other Minority Serving Institutions, what college-going Latinas are finding are campuses where Latinos and other minorities make up much smaller shares of the student body than is reflected in the general U.S. population, and even fewer Latina and minority faculty members.
Women, in general, account for only 42 percent of full-time college professors. And Latinas, in particular, are even less represented in university faculties. “Only 4 percent of tenured or tenure-track female faculty members in the United States are Latina (78 percent are white, 7 percent are African American, and 7 percent are Asian American), and only 3 percent of female full-time professors are Latina,” according to the American Association of University Professors
Having a mentor is often key to helping Latinas overcome the obstacles that come with being a low-income student, or a female minority at the university or in their profession. However, with so little Latina faculty and a lack of cultural diversity competency among the other faculty and staff, finding this mentor at the university can be difficult for many young Latina women.
Because of this, many Latinas are taking action to create opportunities for Latinas for find mentors, from university initiatives to building online communities for Latina career advancement. Latinitas is one example of an online community for Latina teens age 13 and older to share knowledge about how to succeed in school and college, find scholarship opportunities, and to share the experience of being a young Latina in the U.S. What they're sharing has important implications for schools, universities and the country as a whole. Below are some excerpts from Latinitas:
“I'm white comple[xion] and most people don't think that I am Hispanic, even though I'm 100% Latina… Growing up in a border town I never saw prejudice or racism towards our race/culture until I left my hometown to attend college. It was a shocking experience as I saw some of my friends get treated differently than me just because they looked more Hispanic than I do. I've had people complain to me about Hispanics not knowing that they're complaining about Hispanics to a Hispanic. It's hard to believe that in 2015 these types of acts still occur and [are] very relevant in the world today.”
“I am a first generation so… I wanted to know EVERYTHING [about college] but in the end I would of liked to just know tips on what “not to do.” For example, I wish I would of know[n] what organizations were good to do and which were… not too good. I overwhelmed myself my first year with organizations and had to learn on my own what was worth it and also had to learn which ones were know[n] on campus for their good deeds or not good deeds. In all honest[y] I wish I had a mentor in my pocket my first years.”
“I was lucky that someone shared this brilliant nugget with me: if you are worried about money, apply to good private liberal arts colleges. They have a ton of money and great aid scholarships, often covering more than your aid at a state school. [A]lso because of their large endowments, more money is invested per student for resources, services, activities, travel, etc… Private schools have huge price tags, but don't be intimidated. Myself and many friends are on full rides thanks to the amount of green in my school's bank. So go for it!”
“When I was in high school, I thought I felt like I knew a little too much about college. Being the youngest in my family, I had watched my brother and my sister go through their college application, acceptance, and graduation process. I thought to myself, “I've seen it all!” But honestly, when it came to being my turn to go to college, it was as if I had never knew anything about college at all… you need to realize that there are going to be people who are completely different from you in college. I had a difficult time dealing with this issue – something many refer to as “culture shock.” I believe this is one of the biggest things I should have been told about when I was younger.”
The posts describe how these young women feel alienated when they go to college – many of them of first-generation college goers, how they experience prejudice against them as Latinas, their need for mentors, and show the advice they are giving young Latinas planning to go to college. What's more, they point to a very diverse set of experiences occurring across the young Latina population. With the growing population of school-age Latinas looking toward and enrolling in college every year, for colleges and universities, it will be essential that they understand who the Latinas they are serving are.
Despite the fact that Hispanics, in general, are going to make up the biggest share of U.S. population growth between 2015-2060, “There are people that don't really care about Latinos in the U.S.,” Marybeth Gasman, director of the Penn Center for Minority Serving Institutions expressed concern in an interview with GoodCall. Though not her personal position, she went on to say, “But, even if you don't care about Latinos, you should care about yourself because your interests [as a country, state, or community] are wrapped up in those young ladies.”
By ensuring more young Latinas in the U.S. earn a college degree, these young women are going to be able to contribute more to their local communities and to the nation. And that's in everyone's best interest. Predictions for 2020: 65 percent of jobs in the U.S. will require postsecondary education beyond high school. And in California, one of the states with the largest young Latina populations, more jobs – 67 percent – will require higher education.
Source: Published originally on, Education News as Over 50% of Girls in 3 States Are Latinas – What Does That Mean for Colleges? by Monica Harvin, January 22, 2016.
Low-income Latino students less likely to take on student debt to attend college
Low income Latino students are less likely to take on student loan debt, but that's only because they're less likely to attend or complete college. Barriers to higher education make it less likely that Latino students will begin college or take out loans, or easily repay loans when they're acquired.
The Institute on Assets and Social Policy (IASP) develop an analysis, "Less Debt, More Equity: Lowering Student Debt While Closing the Black-White Wealth Gap," which assesses the effect of public policy on the wealth gap that exists between white and Black households. Wealth inequity has surged over the past several decades, resulting in 1 percent of households controlling 42 percent of U.S. wealth. Also, nearly 50 percent of wealth accumulated over the past three decades has gone directly to pockets of the top 0.1.
Meanwhile, the wealth belonging to the bottom 90 percent of U.S. household continues to lessen. People of color, who are historically disenfranchised and overrepresented in the bottom 90 percent, are growing in numbers. In a matter of short decades, the U.S. will be a "minority majority" nation, which will continue to be affected by preexisting wealth divide. Today, the average white family owns $13 for every $1 held by the average black household and white households own $10 for every $1 held by the average U.S. Latino household.
According to the report, black students tend to take on more debt when attaining postsecondary degrees. They, like other students of color, are more likely to borrow money to attend college, which deepens wealth inequalities. With that said, patterns of student debt differ for black and Latinos students. The report focuses specifically on the black-white wealth gap because of historic roots of inequality and student debt's contribution to wealth disparities, but also acknowledges how inequality influences the experiences of other communities of color in the U.S.
Loan debt and barriers to education impact Latinos differently than black and white households. The data revealed that Latinos attend and graduate from college at lower rates than whites and blacks. Consequently, lower rates of college attendance likely contribute to Latino households owning less student loan debt than blacks and whites. Also, evidence suggests that Latino students are more opposed to taking on student loan debt. Interestingly, Latino students are less likely than blacks and whites to take on debt at public institutions, but they're more likely to take on debt at private for-profit institutions, where they're more likely to depart before completion.
The Latino-white wealth gap could be attributed to differences in education attainment. Latinos households have lower college completion rates and lower levels of household wealth. The report suggests that universal debt reduction policies targeted at borrowers making $50,000 and below would only benefit Latinos moderately; instead white families would have greatly benefit. However, reduction policy targeted at those making $25,000 or less would reduce the racial wealth gap for median and low-wealth Latino households. Latinos in the lowest wealth bracket tend to face a number of barriers when seeking higher education, which reduces the likelihood that they will start college or take out loans. Thus, eliminating some cost challenges should spur enrollment.
The report listed that a number of policies that could make a sizable difference in the lives of students of color. They believe debt-free public higher education should be guaranteed for low-income and middle-class students. Institutional accountability and debt forgiveness should be provided for students attending low-quality institutions. There should be incremental debt forgiveness for students locked into public, low-wage professionals. Also, student loans should be discharged in bankruptcy like other forms of consumer debt.
Source: Published originally on as Low-Income Latino Students Less Likely to Take on Student Debt, Attend College: Report, by By Nicole Akoukou Thompson, December 1, 2015.
Black and Latino students in California score better on AP tests than peers elsewhere
Black and Latino students in California who passed Advanced Placement exams outperformed their peers elsewhere, but a gap persists between them and their white and Asian counterparts, according to new test score results.
In addition, the number of underrepresented minorities — black, Latino and Native American students — who took the tests is higher in California than elsewhere: 38.9% of test takers in the state compared with 26.2% of all test takers, according to 2015 results from the College Board.
The AP program allows high school students to take high-level classes for college credit. It also provides a boost for college admission and can help students more quickly place in advanced classes in college.
Black students in California performed significantly better than their counterparts outside the state: Nearly 43% in California had a passing score of 3 or higher out of 5 on at least one exam, compared with 32.3% elsewhere. California Latinos also did better: 53.1% received a 3 or higher on at least one test, compared with 50% elsewhere.
White students in the state also outperformed their peers elsewhere: 73% had a score of 3 or higher on a test, compared with 66% outside the state.
About 71.5% of Asians in the state scored a 3 or higher on a test, compared with 72.2% elsewhere.
The number of students, particularly minorities, taking AP classes and tests is growing, both in California and the country. Districts are removing stringent entrance requirements such as grades, admission tests and teacher recommendations that disproportionately keep students of color out of these classes.
Making these classes available to more minority students is a positive move despite the fact that scores may decrease when that happens, said Nicole Mirra, an assistant professor in English education at the University of Texas at El Paso who has studied disparities among California high schools.
Whether or not they pass the test, the students are exposed to higher academic standards and classrooms in which college is considered a viable option for them, she said.
To ensure that these students succeed, however, districts should start preparing low-income students and students of color for AP classes as early as elementary school and continue that support in AP classrooms, Mirra said.
The racial makeup of AP classes in L.A. Unified has changed from 60% Latino in 2007-2008, to 68% in 2014-2015, while the white and Asian populations have decreased. Black students continue to represent only 7% of AP students, even though they are 10% of the student population.
In L.A. Unified, the pass rate was lower for black and Latino students: 21.7% and 33.5%, respectively.
It's difficult to explain the discrepancies without more data, said Patricia Gandara, an education professor and co-director of the Civil Rights Project at UCLA.
Gandara said she would like to see data that show the income levels of the racial groups taking the tests; the College Board said that information will be available next month.
“We have tremendous wealth and we have tremendous poverty” in California, Gandara said.
Students from higher-income black and Latino families could account for the better results because the number of those students taking AP classes remains relatively low. Additionally, Gandara said, they may have the parental support to encourage them to enroll in AP classes.
L.A. Unified's performance might rely on a number of factors, Gandara said. The district has a much higher poor population than the state: three-fourths of L.A. Unified students are on free or reduced-price lunch, a poverty indicator, compared with 59% in the
Additionally, the L.A. Unified numbers don't include results from independent charter high schools, which had nearly 43,000 students last year and are growing. Those independently run campuses have been shown to take better-performing students from low-income and minority communities, Gandara said, adding that that trend could skew the district's results downward.
Source: Published originally on The Los Angeles as Black and Latino students in California score better on AP tests than peers elsewhere by Sonali Kohli, September 2, 2015.
59% of college-educated Latinos have trouble meeting monthly expenses, report says
A majority of Latinos say they have trouble covering monthly expenses, and almost 40% say they would have trouble finding $2,000 in an emergency, a new study said.
Despite attaining higher education levels in recent decades, many Latinos find themselves in a "fragile financial state," according to the study released Monday by the TIAA-CREF Institute, the research arm of the New York investment giant.
The report draws on data from the vast 2012 National Financial Capability Study, a national survey of 25,000 American adults, and examines in detail the personal finances of 1,553 respondents who described themselves as Hispanic and reported at least some college education.
"[W]hile growing in economic importance, Hispanics are set apart from the general U.S. population by gaps in wealth and income, as well as less integration with traditional financial institutions, differences that were only exacerbated by the 2008-2009 recession," the report said. "Such disparities affect even college-educated Hispanics, a growing sub-group."
The study, done in collaboration with Global Financial Literacy Center at George Washington University, adds to a growing body of research on the troubled state of Latino finances, including among the college educated, in the wake of the financial crisis of 2008. Among all U.S. ethnic groups, Latinos were the hardest hit by the crisis and subsequent Great Recession, researchers have found.
Earlier research cited by the TIAA-CREF study shows that from 2005 to 2009, Latino household wealth fell 66%, compared with 53% for African American and 16% for white households.
Unemployment among Latinos doubled from 2007 to 2011, and the poverty rate rose six percentage points from 2006 to 2010, both increasing faster than any other ethnic group, the study said.
The TIAA-CREF survey found that 59% of respondents said they have trouble covering monthly expenses.
It also found that more than half of respondents said they were unable to save at all, and 20% said they spent more than their income over the past year. One third of respondents said they spent as much as their income.
Homeownership among Latino households trails the broader population, with only 53% reporting owning a home compared to 71% for whites, according to the survey.
Illustrating both a cause and symptom of Latino financial difficulties, half of the respondents reported engaging in expensive credit-card practices that can run up interest charges and fees, including paying the minimum monthly balance only, using a card for a cash advance or incurring a late fee.
Source: Originally published on The Los Angeles Times as 59% of college-educated Latinos have trouble meeting monthly expenses, report says, byDean Starkman, May 18, 2015.