Spanish-dominant Hispanics and representation on TV

Jun 6, 2012

A recent study looks at how multicultural consumers perceive mainstream media. White, Black, Hispanic, and Asian urban consumers were asked how well TV represents racial and ethnic groups in terms of quality (accuracy in comparison with reality) and quantity (proportionate with reality).  One-third said TV does a good job with quality, but a comparable number gave unfavorable ratings; two in five gave favorable ratings for quantity and one-quarter gave unfavorable ratings. 

The study "State of Cable and Digital Media: Multicultural Edition” reveals that Spanish-dominant Hispanics are the most satisfied with racial representation in the media, reporting the highest favorable ratings and lowest unfavorable ratings for quantity and quality. 

However, it is important to consider that Spanish-dominant Hispanics watch 69 percent of their TV in Spanish, making their evaluation reflective of the content on Spanish networks.  On the other hand, English-oriented Hispanics, who watch 92 percent of their programming in English, give the media high unfavorable ratings for quality (35 percent) and quantity (29 percent).

Source: HispanicTrend,  Spanish-Dominant Hispanics Most Satisfied With Representation on TV, June 5, 2012.

By Myriam Grajales-Hall
Author - Communications Manager